Digital Business Management Platform

dijital.asistan (digital.assistant) is our workflow product that allows modeling your business processes without code development. You can quickly model any process using the visual design tool, design web forms with the fields you will specify without any technical knowledge being necessary, and begin using your workflows promptly.
dijital.bağlılık (digital.loyalty) is our loyalty product that enables improved sales to your dealers or customers, and that you can use to promote the sales of the products you wish to drive forward. Buyers and/or sellers of the products or services offered by your company are rewarded with the bonus points to be earned.

This is a system, which allows tracking all stages from the entry of any work demand as an internal order (or ticket) in the system until completion on the basis of the individual, task, time spent and time elapsed. The flow entails approvals at various stages. With dijital.kurum (digital.organisation), you can achieve ideal resource management.