Terminal Server

By enabling thin clients to run on the server infrastructure, we substantially eliminate the challenges our customers face with respect to maintenance, security and license management of their PCs, while we reduce their costs considerably.

It is difficult and expensive to manage an infrastructure consisting of PCs and notebooks. Such a structure leaves corporate data and their backup mostly to the initiative of employees.
Commonly, issues arise in license management and audits due to unauthorized program installations. Drawing on our experience in the installation and maintenance of the “Terminal Server” architecture, we effectively reduce these costs and difficulties for our customers with this architecture.

The Terminal Server architecture is a centralized structure and is used through the so-called Thin Client computers, which present much lower energy consumption and failure percentages as compared to PCs and notebooks. They are not prone to becoming obsolete and can be used for many years as opposed to PCs. In the Terminal Server architecture, backup is handled by centralized servers, and is thus carried out automatically. Also, license management issues are eliminated to a great extent. You can contact us for more information on Terminal Servers and their contribution to your company.

Infrastructure Services

Terminal Server

By enabling thin clients to run on the server infrastructure, we substantially eliminate the challenges our customers face with respect to maintenance, security and license management of their PCs, while we reduce their costs considerably.

Server Virtualization

Through server virtualization, we help you fulfill a number of server functions by ensuring cost advantage with less hardware and without any loss of performance.

Security Consultancy

We will be happy to work with you in identifying the risks and threats you are exposed to, determining the measures that need to be taken against these risks and threats, and formulating your data security and enterprise resource planning (ERP) guidelines.


ALİS is our cloud-based product that provides controlled Internet access to companies’ customers, guests and own employees.